Web Application Development

When we do web application development, we believe they should be beautiful, functional, easy to use and responsive.

At Zeldiva Solutions we develop fully functional web applications based on your requirements. We build robust and scalable web applications with intense analysis and research. We work with various databases and APIs, and implement scaling and integration with other services.

By mixing technology stacks effectively, we develop solutions that streamline your business operations and deliver value to your customers. Guiding you through all the web development stages we provide you the best customer-oriented solutions for your custom web application development. We ensure timely support and maintenance to all of our clients so that you can focus on real business issues rather than worrying about the technical issues.


Technologies used

AngularJS, Twitter Boostrap, HTML5/CSS3

Restful Web API in .NET, Node.js, JAVA, PHP.

MongoDB, MySQL, SQL Server

Mocha, Jasmine, Karma, NUnit

Benefits of web application development with us

High Qualiy

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We have ample expertise in web-related integrations like different payment gateways, CRM integrations, Email services, Map APIs, Push Notifications, etc.